Color schemes
You can change the color of some display components in your phone, such as
indicators and signal bars.
Select Menu > Settings > Display settings > Color schemes and the color scheme
you want.
Screen saver
You can set your phone to display a screen saver after a preset time or after a
custom time (up to 60 minutes). The screen saver is activated when no function of
the phone is used after a preset period of time. Press any key to deactivate the
screen saver. The screen saver is also deactivated when the phone is out of the
network coverage area.
Select Menu > Settings > Display settings > Screen saver timeout > 2 minutes or
5 minutes.
Select Menu > Settings > Display settings > Screen saver timeout > Other.
Enter the custom time and select OK.

Nokia 3595 User Guide
Copyright © 2004 Nokia
Personalize your phone
Display brightness
You can change the brightness of the phone display.
Select Menu > Settings > Display settings > Display brightness.
Press the Up scroll or Down scroll key to adjust the contrast level and select OK.
You can create groups of contacts in Contacts and give each group a different ringing
tone. When someone from that group calls, you will know because of the ringing tone.
Add contact
The name you add to a caller group must first be stored in Contacts.
From the start screen, press the Up scroll key or the Down scroll key to scroll to
the name or number you want.
Select Details > Options > Caller groups > Family, VIP, Friends, Business
or Other.
Remove contact
From the start screen, press the Up scroll key or the Down scroll key to scroll to
the name or number you want.
Select Details > Options > Caller groups > No group.
Assign ringing tone
Select Contacts > Caller groups and the group you want.
Select Group ringing tone and the tone you want to hear for this caller group.
You can set your phone to ring only when people from certain caller groups call
you and to be silent for all other call groups.